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US Remains Top Choice for Indian Students Despite Concerns

Despite affordability and safety concerns, the United States maintains its position as the top choice for Indian students seeking higher education abroad, according to the Oxford International Student Global Mobility Index report.

  • Preferred Destination: The SGMI report reveals that 69% of Indian students surveyed prioritize the US for higher education, surpassing the UK, Canada, and Australia. Quality education emerges as a significant factor driving this preference.
  • Quality Over Cost: While affordability and safety are concerns, 45% of students prioritize the quality of education, while 42% value the reputation of universities. This underscores the significance of academic excellence in decision-making.
  • Influence of Guardians: The report highlights the role of parents or guardians, with 71% cited as primary influencers in the decision-making process. Similar trends are observed in other countries, indicating familial support in educational pursuits.
  • Scholarship Impact: Despite cost considerations, scholarships influence choices, with 23% of students selecting the US based on scholarship availability. Australia leads in scholarship selection, highlighting financial aid's pivotal role in education decisions.